Majlis Ansarullah India have Honour of Virtual Meeting with World Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
“Do not simply follow the old methods with a passive attitude and by letting the work continue as it always has. Rather, you should work passionately and fervently and strive to find new and innovative ways to convey the message of Islam.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad
On 11 April 2021, the National Majlis-e-Amila (Executive) of Majlis Ansarullah India (Ahmadiyya Muslim Elders Association) were granted a virtual official meeting and audience with the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad.
His Holiness presided the meeting from his office in Islamabad, Tilford, whilst the Amila members joined from the Quran Exhibition Hall in Qadian.
During the meeting, His Holiness emphasised the importance of national office bearers of Majlis Ansarullah keeping a close connection with the local representatives and members of Majlis Ansarullah throughout India.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“You must truly focus upon connecting each and every local Majlis (chapter) with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s organisational structure. You should endeavour to forge such a close bond that it is as if they are all part of one body.”
Speaking to the National Secretary Tarbiyyat, responsible for moral and spiritual training of the members of Majlis Ansarullah, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“It is the duty of the members of Ansarullah that they oversee the affairs of their own homes. They should see if their own family members are observing the obligatory prayers regularly. If they have sons, they should see to it that they go to the Mosque as much as possible. It can only be said that our Ansar, Khuddam and Atfal are truly establishing their prayers when they offer their prayers in congregation as much as possible. If, at this time, there are restrictions in the Mosques due to the present Covid conditions, then prayers should be observed in congregation in homes.”
His Holiness also instructed that the Tarbiyyat Department should give advice and counsel to Ansarullah members about the importance of treating one’s wife and family members with love and compassion. His Holiness said the Amila members at all levels should lead by example in this regard too.
Speaking to the secretary responsible for the moral and spiritual training of new converts, His Holiness said that even the people living in villages should be contacted to ensure they are involved in the activities of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. His Holiness observed that even in some remote parts of India people have access to mobile phones and so they should be involved through virtual events.
Speaking to the secretary responsible for Tabligh (outreach), Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“You should set specific targets for Tabligh and then work towards fulfilling them. Set targets nationally and at a local level. You will naturally be inclined to work hard when you have a goal and target before you, whereas if there is no firm objective it can lead to laziness and a lack of effort.”
Highlighting the importance of developing innovative methods in outreach work, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“Do not simply follow the old methods with a passive attitude and by letting the work continue as it always has. Rather, you should work passionately and fervently and strive to find new and innovative ways to convey the message of Islam.”
During the meeting His Holiness also advised that the younger Ansarullah members should regularly exercise and ride bikes, particularly so in Qadian and in cities. His Holiness said that this would not only have personal health benefits but would also help to reduce pollution and to cut carbon emissions.
As the meeting concluded His Holiness emphasised again the importance of not being set in one’s ways but rather being open to new ideas and methods to convey the true teachings of Islam and to ensure the moral and spiritual wellbeing of Ahmadi Muslims.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“You should seek to find new and improved ways to fulfil your duties. It should not be that you just rely on old methods – rather try to be innovative. Work together and with diligence and utilise your God-given brains. By the Grace of Allah, you have been blessed with good minds so you should strive to fulfil your duties with intelligence and acumen. May Allah enable you to do so and may He be your Protector and may He be your Helper.”