Syed Taalay Ahmed Young Journalist Scheme

Syed Taalay Ahmed Young Journalist Scheme

The scheme is now full and further intakes are not being taken currently. This scheme is going to be run again Insha’Allah and so signup with your interest and we will save your details for future initiatives.

About The Scheme

What is the Syed Taalay Ahmed Young Journalist Scheme?

  • It is a scheme to give training and inspiration to Ahmadi Muslim Youth to help and encourage them to pursue journalism

Date, Time and how to join?

  • Dates: 11-17 April 2022
  • Timings: 11.30 am – 1.15 pm (schedule of lessons can be seen below)
  • How to join: Classes and lectures will be run virtually via Microsoft Teams. You will be shared details once you are enrolled after registering.

What is the objective?

  • Providing Ahmadi Muslim youth with the guidance and tools they need to become successful in the field of journalism
  • Inspire Ahmadi Muslims to become journalists so they can propel the beauties of Islam Ahmadiyyat in the media

What understanding will the course aim to deliver?

  • Give an understanding of how journalism can be used as a powerful force for good.
  • Teach key journalistic skills of story-telling and effective writing
  • Understand how Islam is perceived in the media and what they can do to better the situation.
  • Create an understanding of the different media platforms
  • Create an understanding of the different types of careers within journalism

What will the workload be?

  • You will be required to attend 2 lessons/lectures a day between 11.30am and 1.15pm
  • All attendees will be split into mentoring groups, so they will be required to attend some mentoring sessions where they will have the opportunity to discuss their personal careers and share experiences.
  • You will be given some homework which will be marked and you will be provided with feedback.

Who is Syed Taalay Ahmed?

Syed Taalay Ahmed Sahib was a young Waqf-e-Nau Ahmadi Muslim journalist who devoted his life to the service of Islam Ahmadiyyat. He was serving as a life-devotee in MTA News in the UK and was martyred in 2021 whilst working on a documentary in Ghana. Syed Taalay Ahmed Sahib served passionately and produced brilliant documentaries for MTA news and wrote articles that continue to benefit Ahmadi Muslims and others today.

This scheme is inspired by the life of Syed Taalay Ahmed Sahib and hopes to inspire more Ahmadi Muslim youth to enter the field of journalism and serve the cause of Islam Ahmadiyyat and bring about a positive change in the world.

Who can join the course?

  • 12-18 years-old UK based Atfal and Khuddam

What is the selection criteria?

  • Motivation and enthusiasm is the primary criteria. You will be required to send in a 200 words answer to the following two questions:

What is the media’s impact on society?

Why you wish to join this scheme.

Monday – 11 April 2022

11.30am – 12.15pm:  Introductory session

12.15pm – 12.30pm:  Break

12.30pm – 1.15pm:    Effective Writing Lesson 1

Tuesday – 12 April 2022

11.30am – 12.15pm:  Story Telling Lesson 1

12.15pm – 12.30pm:  Break

12.30pm – 1.15pm:    Effective Writing Lesson 2

Wednesday – 13 April 2022

11.30am – 12.15pm:  Mentoring session

12.15pm – 12.30pm:  Break

12.30pm – 1.15pm:    Effective Writing Lesson 3

Thursday – 14 April 2022

11.30am – 12.15pm:  Guest Lecture

12.15pm – 12.30pm:  Break

12.30pm – 1.15pm:    Story Telling Lesson 2

Friday – 15 April 2022

11:30am – 12:15:        Story Telling Lesson 3

Saturday – 16 April 2022

12.30pm – 1.15pm:    Mentoring Session

Sunday – 17 April 2022

11.30am – 12.15pm:  Final Session