Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Addresses the Annual Forum for Muslim Youth Leaders
“If we remain under the shade of Khilafat, all trials and tribulations are destined to pass and, in their place, great glad tidings and eternal prosperity will surely emerge.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad
The World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad delivered the keynote address at the sixth National Qaideen Forum of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK on Sunday 22 December 2019.
Over 250 National, Local and Regional Youth Leaders (Qaideen) from across the country attended the two day event aimed at training the youth to become better role models for other young Ahmadi Muslims. The event took place at Islamabad in Tilford, UK.
In an inspirational address, His Holiness highlighted the importance of remaining “under the shade of Khilafat” with which great blessings and glad tidings are attached.
His Holiness spoke in detail about ‘leading by example’ and said a “proper leader is someone who ‘leads by example’ and takes his people on a path which he walks upon himself.”
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“As a Qaid, or in whichever position you serve the Community, you must prove yourself to be a person who others consider sincere and a positive role model from whom they can learn and benefit. They should have full confidence in you and recognise that there is nothing you ask from them that you are not doing yourself.”
His Holiness said that in order for the office bearers to become role models, they should always keep in mind that Allah the Almighty is watching them at all times and will hold them to account.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“Office bearers should never forget that though they may be able to hide things from other people, they can never conceal anything from Allah the Almighty. He knows all that we do and whatever is in our hearts and, so keeping this in mind, every office bearer must strive to fulfil their responsibilities to the best of their abilities and save themselves from any form of weakness in their faith or from neglect in their duties.”
His Holiness said that office bearers within the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community must be at the forefront of abiding by the teachings of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) and consider themselves the “first addressees and recipients of his instructions.”
His Holiness went onto highlight some of the instructions of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) in light of the teachings of Islam that the Qaideen should seek to follow.
His Holiness spoke about the proclamation of faith in the Oneness of God which every Muslim makes that, ‘There is none worthy of worship except Allah.’
Speaking about the declaration, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“The Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) said that our declaration of faith should be made with complete sincerity and heartfelt fervour and with an intense desire to develop an unbreakable spiritual bond with Allah the Almighty. Similarly, the standard of our prayers and remembrance of Allah should be exemplary and made with complete certainty in the Oneness of God.”
Reiterating the importance of serving humanity, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“The Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) said that his followers should exhibit the highest possible standards in fulfilling the rights of humanity. They should have sympathy and love for their brothers and sisters within the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and also for the members of the wider world.”
His Holiness said that in order to succeed in creating a relationship with Allah the Almighty, it was of upmost importance to offer the five daily prayers on time and in congregation and to recite the Holy Quran regularly.
His Holiness said that seeking the pleasure of Allah the Almighty should be the motivation for all office bearers to excel in their tasks.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“The Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) once said that ‘if you please Allah, the sun will never set upon you’. This means that if a person is devoted to seeking the pleasure and nearness of Allah, they will overcome whatever challenges or difficulties that may arise and will observe that the blessings of God Almighty will continually rain down upon them.”
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad continued:
“Building a personal bond with Allah the Almighty is the golden key which will enable you to unlock the doors to prosperity in your duties for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and all other aspects of your lives.”
His Holiness then highlighted that the great task of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya is to serve and protect the institution of Khilafat.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“You should understand that the principal objective and task of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya is to stand on the front lines protecting and guarding the institution of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. The best way to do this is by listening to, and acting upon, the words of the Khalifa of the time and to be completely loyal and obedient to Khilafat at all times and in all circumstances.”
As his address drew to a close, His Holiness said that the success and failure of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community hinged upon whether it was united.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“To become united we must follow the means taught by Allah the Almighty Himself and, in this era, He has established the institution of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya as the spiritual rope that keeps us bound together.”
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad continued:
“We may confront challenges, we may encounter grief, we may face persecution – yet, rest assured, that if we remain under the shade of Khilafat, all trials and tribulations are destined to pass and, in their place, great glad tidings and eternal prosperity will surely emerge.”
Concluding his address, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“I hope and expect that, having listened to my address, you will return to your Majlis [local chapter of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya] much more determined to fulfil your duties and that before asking the members of your Majlis to inculcate whatever you have learned here, you will first seek to adopt those things within yourself. As Qaid, you may be treated with respect by the Khuddam and Atfal in your Qiadat but I hope and pray that their respect is whole-hearted and not given out of a sense of duty or necessity.”
Earlier in the day various workshops were conducted to help give leadership and administrative skills to the youth and highlight the importance of attachment with Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya.
The event concluded with a silent prayer led by His Holiness.